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3 Paychecks This Month

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Here’s a look at when your three-paycheck months will be, based on when you received your first paycheck of the year.

If you received your first paycheck of 2024 on January 5, you’ll receive three paychecks in March and August.

  • March pay dates: March 1, 14 and 29. 
  • August pay dates: Aug. 2, 16 and 30. 

If you received your first paycheck of 2024 on January 12, you’ll receive three paychecks in May and November.

  • May pay dates: May 3, 17 and 31. 
  • November pay dates: Nov. 1, 15 and 29. 

How Do You Budget For a 3-Paycheck Month?

When budgeting, a three-paycheck month means a higher level of income. If you normally make $4,000 per month, it could mean you'll make $6,000. So, what should you do with the extra disposable income?

While a shopping spree can be tempting, consider how that money could improve your overall financial situation. ARIES recommends making the following moves a priority.

Reference: Watch Saving vs Spending

Pay Off High-Interest Debt

If you have high-interest debt, your outstanding balance is costing you money every month. An extra paycheck presents a great opportunity to chip away at high-interest credit card bills and loan balances.

Reference: Watch How to Tackle Debt

Build an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund refers to a savings account that’s easily accessible in case of emergencies. Experts recommend that you stock it with enough money to cover three to six months of living expenses. Instead of borrowing and potentially taking on debt, you’ll have funds available.

Reference: Watch Emergency Reserves Made Easy

Invest in Retirement Accounts

By using some of your extra paychecks to contribute to a retirement account like a Roth IRA or 401(k), you can have money working for your future self. And the earlier you start, the better.

Reference: Watch No Pension, No Problem

Consider Other Savings Goals

You can also use your extra paychecks to make progress on other savings goals. If, for example, you’re saving up for a down payment on a house, your child’s college education or even an upcoming vacation, the money could help you reach your goal faster.

Reference: Watch Should I Buy or Lease?

Planning Ahead for Your Extra Paycheck

You probably won’t be able to achieve all of the above goals with two extra paychecks in a year, but the extra money can help you jump a few steps ahead.

2025 Three-Paycheck Months

  • If your first paycheck of 2025 is Friday, January 3, your three paycheck months are January and August.
  • If your first paycheck of 2022 is Friday, January 10, your three paycheck months are May and October.

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