In 2019 (prior to COVID) I went to over 90 in-person networking events. 90! If you travel back in time some 20+ years ago when I started in financial services I couldn't fathom even going to 1. Why? The idea of walking into a room full of strangers nauseated me. So much so that I chose to do cold-calling to try to get new clients instead of networking. Talk about banging your head against a wall. I have put together some simple steps and thoughts to help you be better at networking, or at least to give it a try and see what happens.
Networking Tip #1 - TAKE THE PRESSURE OFF
I fell for a lot us there is this undo pressure that if we are going to a networking event that I ahve to come away with people who will do business with me, or buy my stuff, or hire me, depedning on what it is you do or offer. Initially as you are going or trying to convince yourslef to go, think of them instead as people and not prospects. Block out the whole "can I sell to thsi person" or "this guy isn't in my clientele" and just think I am going to meet some new people at a networking event and it will hopefully relieve some of your stress about attending a networking event in the first place.
Networking Tip #2 - GO WITH A GOAL
We reccommend 5, as in I am going to make 5 connections when I go to this netwokring event. Treat it like a game. I must make at least 5 connections before I can end the game. Once you do, then you are free to leave, wehter that takes you 30 minutes or 2 hours. Having a number will help you as you pilot your way around a networking room or event and keep you moving toward your goal.
Networking Tip #3 - DON'T GET STUCK
A lot of us have a fear that no one will tak to us. That we go to a networking function and we will be left standing all by ourselves looking and feeling like an outcast. Then a miracle happens - someone talks to us - hallelujah! We get so thrilled to be in a conversation that we don't want it to end. And then you get stuck. Networking events are not the place for deep conversations, it's a general get-to-know-ya, decide if a follow up for a more meaningful conversation is warranted, and then move on. Remember your networking goal to help keep you moving. You can't keep meeting new people if you are only taking to 1 person all night.
Networking Tip #4 - ASK ABOUT THEM
Easiest way to start a conversation with someone you don't know is to ask them what they do for a living, or in the case of networking "What brings you to this event..." Let them talk. Don't worry if you don't get to tell your story, that's what following up is for. If the person seems interesting or someone that you might want to connect with later on, then ask if it is OK to follow up. Get their card or email and let them you will be reaching out to set up a time to chat and learn more about them and what they do. Author's Note; I always use "chat". It feels more relaxed and less formal, but that's just me.
Networking Tip#5 - BE A CONNECTOR
Maybe you already are or maybe you're not. But this is more of a reverse mind-set. Whenever I meet a person at a networking event I am always thinking of someone else I can introduce them too, or a service provider I know that could be a benefit to their business. Help others. Yes, maybe nothing will come from it, but you'll ultimately feel better about yourself for doing it and there is power in doing good.